
Stage 2 | Subject Outline | Version control

Integrated Learning Stage 2
Subject outline

Version 4.0 - For teaching in 2024.
Accredited in August 2017 for teaching at Stage 2 from 2018

Stage 2 | Subject outline | External assessment | Assessment Type 3: Personal Endeavour

Assessment Type 3: Personal Endeavour (30%)

Students undertake one personal endeavour for both a 10-credit subject and a 20-credit subject.

The personal endeavour is likely to be an inquiry-based or practical-based investigation, or a combination of these.

The personal endeavour is an opportunity for students to explore an area of the program focus that is of interest to them. They individually select the area of interest for their personal endeavour, explore and analyse relevant information, concepts, ideas, and skills, and communicate their ideas and opinions about them. Students in the same class must each have a different personal endeavour.

Students select one capability to be developed within their personal endeavour, exploring the link between that capability and their area of interest. The capability selected does not need to be the same one selected for other assessments. Students clearly identify the capability they have selected and explicitly discuss their understanding about how they have developed this capability in the context of their personal endeavour.

It is recommended that students present the personal endeavour in two parts:

  • an investigation, that is either research or practical-based and has an outcome or conclusion (about three-quarters of the total evidence)
  • an explanation of the connections between their area of interest and the capability selected (about one-quarter of the total evidence)

Students may provide evidence of their learning in a range of forms including but not limited to reports, photo stories, oral presentations, skills demonstrations, and reviews. Multimodal evidence is encouraged.

Each student’s personal endeavour must be assessed individually, and must be the student’s own work. 

For a 10-credit subject, the personal endeavour should be a maximum of 6 minutes for a multimodal or oral presentation, or a maximum of 1000 words if written.

For a 20-credit subject, the personal endeavour should be a maximum of 12 minutes for a multimodal or oral presentation, or a maximum of 2000 words if written.

The following specific features of the assessment design criteria for this subject are assessed in Assessment Type 3: Personal Endeavour:

  • application and understanding — AU1, AU3
  • inquiry, analysis, and evaluation — IAE1, IAE2
  • collaboration and communication — CC2.

Examples of personal endeavours 

Program focus Capability to be developed Area of interest to be explored


Critical and creative thinking


ICT capability



Developing characters, analysing scripts, writing scripts


Film making, garage-band music


Setting up a small business

Biology/science Ethical understanding Genetically modified food, cloning for organ transplants, human genome project
Community service Personal and social capability Volunteering, the role and value of the local council
Construction Personal and social capability Work, career, employment
Student leadership

Intercultural understanding


Personal and social capability

World Harmony Day organisation, support program for new students from other cultures


Best practice model for student representative councils, student mentoring program