
Stage 2 | Subject Outline | Version control

Integrated Learning Stage 2
Subject outline

Version 4.0 - For teaching in 2024.
Accredited in August 2017 for teaching at Stage 2 from 2018

Stage 2 | Subject outline | School assessment | Assessment Type 2: Connections

Assessment Type 2: Connections (30%)

For a 10-credit subject, students undertake at least one connections task. For a 20-credit subject, students undertake at least one connections task.

Students undertake activities that encourage them to make connections between the program focus and their development of a capability.

They work collaboratively to explore the program focus and their selected capability or capabilities, and apply their knowledge, concepts, and skills for a specific purpose.

Students undertake a task or activity to be achieved through collaboration. They identify their individual role and responsibility in the task/project, and communicate their contribution. They evaluate their learning as a result of their collaboration, and consider self‑assessment, feedback from others, and their development of a relevant capability.

Collaboration can be undertaken in a variety of ways; for example with a member of the community, a family member, a teacher or trainer, other students, local councils and organisations, an expert practitioner, fellow employees, and club members either face to face or through blogs and other digital communications. 

Students may provide evidence of their learning in a range of forms including but not limited to reports, photo stories, oral presentations, skills demonstrations, and reviews. Multimodal evidence is encouraged.

Evidence for each student’s connections task must be assessed individually and must demonstrate the student’s individual role in and contribution to the task. 

For this assessment type, students provide evidence of their learning primarily in relation to the following assessment design criteria:

  • application and understanding
  • inquiry, analysis, and evaluation
  • collaboration and communication.

Examples of activities for the connections task 

Program focus Example of link to capability or capabilities  Example of connections task

Critical and creative thinking


Personal and social capability

Critical and creative thinking

Engagement with guest speaker artist


Outside art display negotiated with local government organisation

Community service 

Ethical understanding

Personal and social capability




Intercultural understanding

Personal and social capability 

Free lawn-mowing service for local residents



Help primary school students to learn to read


Organise a migrant and refugee welcome event

Physical education


Personal and social capability

Manage a sports day for a local primary school
Raising community awareness

Ethical understanding

Personal and social capability

Organise White Ribbon Day for school
Religion/social justice

Ethical understanding

Intercultural understanding

Personal and social capability

Organise community service/immersion activity
Science Critical and creative thinking Plan, organise, and attend a field trip to examine animal species and habitats
Sport coaching

Critical and creative thinking

Ethical understanding

Manage an after-school sports team
Student leadership and mentoring

Critical and creative thinking

Personal and social capability


ICT capability



Mentor primary school students



Set up a student blog/forum to gather student feedback


Tutor Year 8 students who have low NAPLAN scores in mathematics

Trade mathematics/ financial literacy Numeracy Shadow professional experts at their work (e.g. builders)


Personal and social capability

Develop a wellbeing program for Year 10 students