AC | Global | Stage 2 in 2017 | Support Materials

Support materials

To support student success in the SACE and to help teachers in the development of teaching programs and resources, a range of support materials are available.

Support materials for Stage 2 may include:

  • subject advice and strategies
  • learning and assessment plans
  • task sheets
  • clarifying activities
  • benchmarking materials
  • annotated student work
  • text and resource lists
  • assessment information.

Materials will be uploaded as they become available.

Please note:

Some support materials contain third-party copyright material, such as text, photographs, diagrams, cartoons, and artwork. Every reasonable attempt has been made to ensure these materials have been cleared for copyright purposes. The SACE Board of South Australia has made all reasonable attempts to locate owners of third-party copyright material. Anyone from whom permission has not been sought should contact the SACE Board of South Australia.

Schools may reproduce SACE Board material for study and educational purposes and classroom use. For reproducing materials for other purposes, please see our Copyright page.


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