Recognised learning | VET | Overview

Vocational education and training

Vocational education and training (VET) is hands-on practical training that is nationally recognised.  VET supports students to develop and apply skills and knowledge for work and their future pathway, and it can all count towards the SACE.

VET is a valued part of the SACE, and is a key enabler in supporting students to Thrive in their learning journey, whatever that may be, and wherever it may take them.

The policy for recognition of VET in the SACE has been enhanced to recognise Skills Sets from nationally endorsed training packages. From May 2022 onwards, the SACE Board will be including Skill Sets in the VET Recognition Register and in Schools Online.

VET | Home | Key dates for schools

Key dates for schools

VET results submissions due VET verification due
Semester 1 Semester 2  
Early July Late November Late November