Studying the SACE | Your SACE journey | Student Stories | Jake Rudd

Jake sets scene for exciting film producer future

Tuesday 18 December 2018

Creative SACE graduate Jake Rudd is one step closer to his dream of becoming a film producer.

Studying the SACE | Your SACE journey | Student Stories | Jake Rudd | Article

Jake combined his love of IT and graphic design when took a Certificate III Information, Digital Media and Technology course as part of his SACE. 

The 17-year-old also completed SACE subjects Communication Products I, General Mathematics, Visual Arts – Art, and the Research Project.

The Renmark High School student completed his Certificate III and is now on track to finishing his Certificate IV Information, Digital Media and Technology course.

“I have always done well throughout school with my academic studies but in Year 11 I wanted to do something different and related to my interest in IT, which is why I took the VET pathway and the Certificate III in Information, Digital Media and Technology course,” Jake said.

“I absolutely loved the course and was able to complete it to a high standard, and in 2018 I branched out to combine IT work with design and graphic elements. I’ve always enjoyed getting creative and crafty with graphic design and using programs such as Photoshop.

“I was also able to combine my interest of computers with my Research Project when I came up with a user manual for constructing a desktop computer from start to finish. That really helped me gain an even greater understanding of computers.”

Jake now has his sights set on studying media art production in Adelaide.

“My main interest is creating videos and my lifetime ambition is to become a film producer in such a growing industry,” he said.

Renmark High School Pathways Coordinator Mrs Marina Pater said she was proud of Jake’s achievements.

“Jake has studied the Certificate III and IV Information Technology courses during his last two years at school and excelled in his SACE subjects Communications Products and Visual Arts –Design,” Mrs Pater said. 

“Jake has a strong interest in media and is looking to pursue this with further training in Adelaide next year. We are very proud of his accomplishments as a rural student in this competitive industry.”