Studying the SACE | Your SACE journey | Student Stories | Olivia Gallina

Music career beckons for SACE graduate Olivia

Tuesday 18 December 2018

Ambitious SACE graduate Olivia Gallina is dreaming of setting up her own music event management company in Adelaide.

Studying the SACE | Your SACE journey | Student Stories | Olivia Gallina

After trying a VET course in Electrotechnology, Olivia decided to follow her passion for music and switched course to a Certificate III in Music Industry.

And the St Michael’s College student has not regretted the move – completing her Certificate III and embarking on a Certificate IV in Music Industry. Olivia’s other SACE subjects were Visual Arts – Art, Digital Photography, Ensemble Performance, Solo Performance, and the Research Project.

“I was really interested in starting a trade because I thought it would be a good way to get a job. I wanted to be an electrician and I started a VET course in Electrotechnology but after a while I wasn’t enjoying it,” Olivia, 18, said.

“I’ve loved music for so long, it’s something you can get emotionally involved in, tell stories about politics and the world through music and that is so powerful. It was great that the SACE was so flexible and I was able to switch to the Music Industry course and follow my passion. 

“Some of the highlights have been learning about music event management as part of my class elective. I organised two events at local venues in Adelaide, including one with Flinders University and another showcasing students’ song writing.

“I’ve learned so much including the importance of communication, particularly as an event manager, learning how to communicate in a professional manner, and networking, which is so incredibly hard at the start. The course has really helped to build my confidence.”

St Michael’s College’s VET Coordinator Kevin Woolford praised Olivia’s creativity and tenacity.

“The flexibility of VET allowed Olivia to taste a potential career pathway and after realising it wasn’t right for her, she was able to pursue a different course that ultimately led to her passion for music, Mr Woolford said.

“Olivia has really grown in confidence over the last couple of years. I had the pleasure of attending one of her events and she was so organised, professional and her attention to detail was second-to-none.”

Olivia is hoping to complete her Certificate IV in Music Industry next year, play more with her band Stone and Tumble, and ultimately set up her own music event management company.