VET | What is VET | VET in SACE



As part of their SACE, students can complete vocational education and training (VET) that is within the AQF (Australian Qualifications Framework). The SACE Board's recognition arrangements enable students to build meaningful pathways in the SACE through VET.

The recognition arrangements for VET in the SACE include recognition of:

  • completed qualifications
  • partly completed qualifications (for which a student has completed one or more units of competency)
  • skill sets.

The SACE Board recognises VET that:

  • is listed on the website
  • is delivered and assessed by, or under the auspices of, registered training organisations (RTOs), which are registered to deliver and/or assess the VET qualification
  • is delivered and assessed in accordance with the VET Quality Framework
  • can be certified on a transcript, statement of attainment, or qualification issued by an RTO.

The SACE enables students to include a significant amount of VET in their SACE studies. Students can gain recognition for up to 150 SACE credits at Stage 1 and/or Stage 2 for successfully completed VET.

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School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships

The training you do as part of your School Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship (SBAT) can also count towards your SACE.

An SBAT gives you the unique opportunity to combine VET training, with an employment contract whilst still completing your SACE.

SBATS are generally highly valued by employers and are a valid pathway for students to transition from school to employment, further training or higher education.

SBATS are not just available in the traditional trade pathways, such as Plumbing, Automotive, Hair and Beauty, Building and Construction for example, but can be undertaken in areas such as Business and Administration, Sport and Recreation, Dental Assistance just to name a few.

For more information have a conversation with your School's VET coordinator.

If you have not yet completed your SACE, but you are currently undertaking or have completed an apprenticeship or traineeship, please contact the SACE Board or (08) 8115 4712 as you may be eligible to achieve additional SACE credits and get your SACE.

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VET for tertiary entrance

VET can count towards tertiary entrance for university and TAFE.

VET can be considered as Recognised Studies in the ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) calculation.

For completed VET to count as Recognised Studies, it must be:

  • Certificate III level (or higher) in the AQF (Australian Quality Framework)
  • recognised in the SACE at Stage 2 for at least 10 credits.

Recognised Studies, including VET, can only count to a maximum of 20 credits in an ATAR. Students also need to satisfy all other university entrance criteria.

For further information refer to SATAC Recognised Studies.

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Current students - FAQs

What is the VET Recognition Register?

The VET Recognition Register is a list of common VET pathways undertaken by SACE students. The register outlines the maximum number of SACE credits that a student can earn for a particular VET pathway, whether the VET counts at SACE Stage 1 or Stage 2, whether the VET can be done in conjunction with apprenticeships and traineeships, and if the VET is identified as a flexible industry pathway (FIP).

How do I find information on the VET I want to do? 

There are a number of ways to find out about a potential pathway. Firstly, undertake some research on the internet on a course or career that you’re interested in. A good starting point is the Skilledcareers website, as well as the VET Recognition Register on the SACE website. You should also speak with the VET Coordinator or careers counsellor at your school.

How many SACE credits will I earn for my VET?

The VET Recognition Register states the maximum amount of SACE credits that you can earn for your VET, depending on the competencies and electives that you undertake as part of the course.  The competencies and electives can be chosen in consultation with your Registered Training Organisation (RTO) who is responsible for delivering and assessing the work you do. The exact number of SACE credits you earn is based on the competencies you successfully complete, up to the maximum number of credits, which is listed on the VET Recognition Register.

How do I find out what SACE Stage my VET is and how many SACE credits it will earn?

You can find out what Stage your VET is and how many credits you earn on the VET Recognition Register. The register will state whether it is Stage 1, Stage 2, or hybrid. Hybrid is a qualification that has some competencies at Stage 1 and Stage 2. 

How is VET used, calculated, and converted into SACE credits? 

For every 35 hours of successful VET training you complete towards a qualification or skill set, you can earn 5 credits towards your SACE. Therefore, for the completion of 70 nominal hours of VET, you can be awarded 10 credits, up to the maximum credit allocation, for the qualification or skill set you are undertaking. You can refer to the VET Recognition Register to see the SACE Stage at which the credits will be granted.

How much VET can I use towards my SACE?

You can gain up to 150 credits of the required 200 credits at Stage 1 and or Stage 2 from VET to complete your SACE. The remaining 50 credits must come from undertaking PLP (10 credits), English (20), Mathematics (10) and Research Project (10), as they are a compulsory requirement of completing your SACE.  You can undertake these compulsory requirements with a focus for the industry area of your VET qualification.

What is an apprenticeship and can it count towards my SACE? 

You can undertake an apprenticeship for three to four years in a range of areas including the trades, cooking and horticulture. 

Apprenticeships allows you to learn real skills in the workplace, earn a nationally-recognised qualification and be paid a wage which increases as you progress through training. 

Apprenticeships can count towards your SACE, as long as you have a transcript of results that demonstrates completed competencies towards a qualification. You must successfully complete the competency training for it to count towards your SACE.

More information on apprenticeships can be found at

What is a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship?

School-based apprenticeships and traineeships are more than just part-time jobs - they’re a great way to set yourself up for the career you want while you are completing your SACE.

They allow you to undertake an apprenticeship or complete a traineeship while at school.

A school-based apprenticeship or traineeship combines paid work, VET training and school; and as well as an industry recognised national qualification you can gain credit towards completion of your SACE.

More information on school-based apprenticeships or traineeships can be found at:

My VET name is in the VET Recognition Register, but it has a different code. Why is that? 

VET courses are usually updated every couple of years when national training packages are updated, and while the name may remain the same, the code will change to reflect the update. However, the new code may not have been updated and added on to the VET Recognition Register because the SACE Board has not had any enrolments since the national training package was updated. New and updated VET courses are continuously added to the register.

What should I do if the VET is not listed on the VET Recognition Register? 

A student who cannot find their VET listed on the VET Recognition Register should contact the askSACE team via email - and a member of our team will follow up on the enquiry.  

Schools can check in Schools Online, and if the VET is still not in Schools Online, then contact the askSACE team via email – and a member of our team will follow up on the enquiry.

If my VET is not on the VET Recognition Register, can I still do it?

Firstly, visit to see if the VET is listed. If it is then please contact the askSACE team via email - and we will look to put it into our system. You will then be able to undertake this as part of your SACE.

I am a year 12 student and I am doing VET as well as doing my SACE. I will have fulfilled all the SACE requirements, but will still have 3 months left of my certificate by the end of the year. Will I still get my SACE?

If you have already completed the SACE requirements without completing your VET, then you will receive your SACE certification at the end of the year. In this instance, your SACE is not reliant on your completed VET.

However, if the completion of your VET is necessary to get enough credits to complete your SACE, then as soon as you have completed your VET, please submit a copy of the certificate and the transcript of results to the SACE Board. This will be added to your SACE records, and if it completes all the requirements, you can achieve your SACE certification.

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Past students - FAQs

I left school without completing my SACE. I have done some VET training since then; can I use this for my SACE?

If you can present verifiable evidence of the results that contribute to a VET qualification or skill set, this VET can be added to your SACE results. If this then completes your SACE requirements, you can then achieve your SACE certification. Please contact or (08) 8115 4712.

I completed my SACE in previous years, but did not get an ATAR calculated. I have since completed a Certificate III qualification; can this be included in an ATAR calculation?

If you have completed a Certificate III qualification since finishing school, and you have not already had an ATAR calculated, you may be eligible. For more details, please contact the South Australian Tertiary Admissions Centre (SATAC).

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