The SACE Board has approved the continuation of adjustments for some subjects in 2024 .

Electronic exams Assessment Type 3 information (green box)

This subject has an electronic examination in Stage 2. See Assessment Type 3: Examination.

Global | Subjects | Announcement count

Subject description

English as an Additional Language

English as an Additional Language is designed for students for whom English is a second language or an additional language or dialect. These students have had different experiences in English and one or more other languages. Students who study this subject come from diverse personal, educational, and cultural backgrounds.

English as an Additional Language

Subject description | Eligibility for enrolment

Eligibility for enrolment

Students who want to enrol in English as an Additional Language should apply to their school principal or principal's delegate for eligibility using Form 6

Students whose eligibility applications are approved for Stage 1 English as an Additional Language do not have to reapply for eligibility to enrol in Stage 2 English as an Additional Language.

Students who complete this subject with a C grade or better will meet the literacy requirement of the SACE.


Subject codes

Subject codes

Stage 1
Credits Code
10 1EAL10
20 1EAL20
Stage 2
Credits Code
20 2EAL20