
Coordinating the SACE | Admin | Information sheets | 27

Results — Semester 1

Advice for schools about: the mid-year release of student results in Students Online and the cumulative register of results for Semester 1.

Students with Semester 1 results will be able to access their results in Students Online. The information displayed to students varies according to the type of subject displayed.

Changes to Semester 1 results are due at the end of September.

Accessing student results

  • For Stage 1 and Stage 2 modified subjects, results are reported as ‘completed’.
  • For all other Stage 1 subjects, results are reported as a grade between A and E.
  • For Stage 2 Research Project and Activating Identities and Futures, results are reported as a grade between A+ and E–.

Other results may be shown, for example:

  • recognition granted against particular Stage 1 or Stage 2 subjects
  • recognition granted against the SACE requirements
  • recognition granted for community learning
  • recognition granted for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme
  • recognition granted for university studies
  • recognition granted for VET qualifications or units of competency.

A Student Subject Record that displays the weighting and the results received for each assessment type, as well as an overall grade distribution for the subject, will also be available for Stage 2 subject results in the current year.

Students who are leaving school or who have completed the SACE mid-year will be able to request a printed copy of their Record of Achievement and a Certificate (if applicable) using Form 15 [PDF 71KB].

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SACE/NTCET Results Reports for schools

The principal’s delegate(s) can access the following reports for students’ assessment results in Schools Online:

  • School Subject Assessment Report: detailed assessment information for every student at the school for every Stage 2 subject completed. This document is provided for every assessment group/class. The School Subject Assessment Report lists:
  • the grade submitted by the school and the moderated grade for each of the assessment types in the school assessment, along with their numeric equivalent
  • the final grade and numeric equivalent for both the school assessment and external assessment
  • the final subject grade and its numeric equivalent.
  • Final Moderation Effects: a summary of the moderation outcomes for the school-assessed component of every graded Stage 2 subject completed by students at the school.
  • Final Subject Grade Report: a grade level distribution for every graded Stage 2 subject completed by students at the school, along with a grade level distribution for all students in the state.
  • Stage 2 Moderation Summary Report for individual subject assessment groups.

Missing results

If a student believes that he or she should have received a result in one or more Semester 1 subjects and is unable to view the result in Students Online, SACE coordinators should first check whether or not any subject enrolments and/or results for that student were submitted to the SACE Board for mid-year reporting.

To follow up any missing Semester 1 results, contact askSACE 1300 322 920.

Change of results 

Incorrect results require formal notification to the SACE Board. Use the appropriate forms (Form 3 [PDF 87KB] and Form 4 [PDF 110KB]) to request changes to Stage 1 results to correct administrative errors. Requests for a change to Semester 1 results must be made by the end of September.

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