
Coordinating the SACE | Admin | Information sheets | 41

Previously Information sheet 41 Stage 1 and Stage 2 results

Outline of the information provided by the SACE Board to help schools to analyse the results of the assessment cycle.

Stage 1 results

Students who completed only Stage 1 subjects in 2020 are encouraged to access and check their official Stage 1 results in Students Online.

The SACE Board carries out checks and validations, but there may be some results that have not been recorded accurately, either at the school or at the SACE Board. Schools should follow up these cases with the SACE Board by completing and submitting change of results request forms by the end of March.

Approved changes to results can be viewed in Schools Online.

email: askSACE@sa.gov.au
Phone: (08) 8115 4700

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Stage 2 results

The SACE/NTCET Results Reports for SACE enrolments were made available in Schools Online, the day on which results were released to students. The following reports include the results for students who authorised the release of their results to the school:

  • A Grade Report (previously Merit Report)
  • Final Moderation Effects
  • Final Subject Grade Report
  • Register of Results, including:
    • indicators for SACE/NTCET completion
    • Stage 2 subject results
    • the university aggregate and Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)
  • Register of VET Results
  • SACE/NTCET Completion Summary Report
  • SACE/NTCET Indicators Report
  • SACE/NTCET Progress Report
  • School Subject Assessment Report
  • School Summary Information
  • Stage 2 Moderation Feedback.

Principals or principals’ delegates can access these reports in Schools Online and download them as a PDF or in CSV/Excel format.

SACE Schools Data

SACE Schools Data is a series of reports about the achievement of SACE students at a school and the achievement of SACE students across South Australia and across the Northern Territory. The reports contain data on Stage 1 and Stage 2 subjects, VET, and SACE completion. Principals or principals’ delegates can access these reports in Schools Online.

Tertiary entrance points

All Stage 2 subjects (except Community Studies A and B, and modified subjects) are scaled (on behalf of the universities), according to a logistic scaling procedure, to produce tertiary entrance points.

For information about scaling, see the SATAC website.

University aggregate

The university aggregate is calculated according to the rules set by the universities. It involves aggregating the tertiary entrance points for the student’s best 90 credits of study at Stage 2 level, including at least 70 credits of study in Tertiary Admissions Subjects (TAS). The university aggregate is reported out of a total of 90.0 and is shown on the student’s Tertiary Entrance Statement. This aggregate does not include any bonus points that may be awarded by individual universities.

Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)

The ATAR is derived from the university aggregate and is a percentile rank used solely for university entrance purposes.

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Student assessment summaries, clerical checks, and return of student material

The application procedures for student assessment summaries, clerical checks, and the return of student materials are on the SACE website. The clerical check is a check of the final clerical and data entry procedures undertaken by the SACE Board.

Applications for student assessment summaries, clerical checks, and the return of student material close in mid February.

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School assessment results changes

Changes to school assessment results after the release of results can be made only in exceptional circumstances and at the direct request of the principal in an application that presents details of the administrative error. Under no circumstances will results be changed as a result of reassessment of student work.

Requests by students that concern potential school assessment errors (and possibly enrolment errors) will be directed to the school.

The principal or the principal’s delegate should be available to respond to queries about school assessment results at Stage 1 and Stage 2.

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