
Coordinating the SACE | Admin | Information sheets | 43

Previously Information sheet 43 Subject enrolment

Details about the procedures for enrolment in Stage 1 and Stage 2 subjects.

Enrolment information is critical for school and SACE Board processes. Student registration (the entry of personal information and the allocation of a SACE registration number) is necessary before enrolment in subjects can occur.

SACE coordinators are responsible for:

  • identifying and maintaining in Schools Online the full range of SACE subjects taught at the school
  • accurate student enrolments in each subject.

A list of subjects and subject codes is in Schools Online and Coordinating the SACE > Administration.

The following should be undertaken as early as practical:

  • identification of the SACE subject by assessment group number and teacher name
  • the appropriate allocation of students to the subject and assessment group.

Once students are enrolled, there are reports available in Schools Online to support:

  • the management and monitoring of students’ SACE patterns
  • potential completion
  • Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) eligibility based on the enrolment information.

Schools are encouraged to keep accurate and up-to-date enrolment information to enable the best use of these reports.

The SACE Board uses enrolment data to plan for key processes each year, including: appointing markers and moderators; printing examination papers; scheduling marking (Stage 2 subjects), moderation (Stage 1 and Stage 2 subjects), and review (Stage 1 and Stage 2 modified subjects); distributing school assessment and external assessment materials to schools; and collecting student materials from schools.

Accurate and timely enrolment information from schools is required to ensure all students and classes are accounted for in these, and other, important operational processes.

From Term 1 2023, administration fees may be charged for late class changes, late results changes, and incorrect submission of materials, for Stage 2 that occur after the results sheets are closed. Please refer to the SACE Board of South Australia (Fees) Notice [PDF 131KB] for information on charges. SACE Coordinators will need to contact the askSACE team to complete and submit a Late Stage 2 Changes form.

Refer to the SACE calendar for cut-off and due dates for enrolments. Type 'enrolment' in the calendar's search box to find appropriate dates.

Eligibility for enrolment

Each student enrolled in the following subjects must meet eligibility criteria:

English as an Additional Language

  • Stage 1 and Stage 2 English as an Additional Language

Language subjects

  • Stage 1 and Stage 2 languages at beginners level
  • Stage 1 Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese at continuers level
  • Stage 2 Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese at continuers level

Modified subjects

  • Stage 1 — all modified subjects
  • Stage 2 — all modified subjects.

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Eligibility approval

Students should apply to their school principal or principal’s delegate for a determination of their eligibility to enrol in these subjects.

The principal or principal’s delegate should advise each student of the outcome of his or her application in writing.

The enrolment of a student in these subjects is deemed confirmation that the principal or principal’s delegate has verified that the student meets the eligibility criteria.

For more information and eligibility enrolment forms:

Stage 1 and Stage 2 English as an Additional Language

Language subjects that require eligibility approval

Stage 1 and Stage 2 languages at beginners level

Stage 1 and 2 Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese at continuers level

Modified subjects

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Confirming student enrolments

Before enrolment due dates and respective database cut-off dates:

SACE coordinators should

  • establish procedures for maintaining accurate student enrolments in SACE subjects
  • initiate the finalisation of enrolments by referring teachers to Schools Online and asking them to log in and check the lists of students who are enrolled in their classes. Any changes should be forwarded to the SACE coordinator.

Between the enrolment due date and the database cut-off date:

SACE coordinators should

  • encourage teachers to check their classes in Schools Online regularly to ensure students are correctly enrolled
  • fine-tune enrolments in response to student counselling and other student needs. For example, individual students may change classes in the same subject, or new students may enrol after transferring from other schools
  • use the Stage 2 enrolment confirmation class list report in Schools Online to support this process. This report is available in Reports > SACE Class Reports.


  1. This task must be completed by all teachers with a very high level of accuracy. Any errors should be referred to the SACE coordinator for correction. Incorrect or missing enrolments could potentially have serious consequences for students, teachers, and schools.
  2. SATAC processes — The SACE Board identifies, for the South Australian Tertiary Admission Centre (SATAC), those students who are prospective applicants for tertiary admission. This process occurs through the identification of current-year Stage 2 enrolments. Students who do not have at least one Stage 2 enrolment (other than Community Connections and Community Studies subjects) will not be identified. These students will not be able to access the SATAC enrolment facility.

From Term 1 2023, Stage 2 administration fees may be charged for late class changes after the results sheets are closed. Please refer to the SACE Board of South Australia (Fees) Notice [PDF 131KB] for information on charges. SACE Coordinators will need to contact the askSACE team to complete and submit a Late Stage 2 Changes form. 

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Subject enrolment responsibility

The teaching school is responsible for:

  • enrolling the students
  • enrolling students from all contact schools contributing to the assessment group in a particular subject, using Schools Online
  • changing the teaching and/or assessing school and assessment group to reflect the joining of classes for assessment purposes, including assessment groups that change during the year.

The contact school:

  • has the capacity to register students for subject counselling and SACE tracking purposes.
  • cannot enrol students if they are not registered as SACE students
  • must respond promptly to any requests to register students.

Refer to Information sheet 33 for details of school categories.

Refer to Information sheet 1 for advice on forming assessment groups, including combining small classes.

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