
Coordinating the SACE | Getting started

Coordinating the SACE Getting started

In order to support new and existing SACE coordinators, this page has been developed to provide all essential information required to facilitate a positive start to the school year.

New in 2024

Exploring Identities and Futures (1EIF10) Implementation

From 2024 all schools can enrol students in EIF. Please familiarise yourself with the following operational information:

  • Subject is included in the compulsory suite of subjects and a sample must be submitted for moderation
  • Submission of teacher materials and student samples will be via Schools Online and all teachers require a user account to be created
  • Moderation will be face to face; schools will be required to nominate a teacher at the beginning of term 1 to attend moderation event
  • The due date for submission of enrolment will be early term 1 so that moderation venue and appointment of moderators can be finalised.

Please familiarise yourself with the documentation below to ensure your school is aware of any changes implemented in 2024.

Subject adjustments

Subject changes


There are no new subjects that are transitioning to an E-exams format in 2024. Please refer to the current list of subjects which do have an e-exams.

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Start-of-year checklist

A list of administration tasks to get you and your school ready for the year.

Task Why is this important? How do I do this?

Update your school contact details

For us to deliver the best service, we need your most up-to-date details.

School contact details are used by the SACE Board to distribute all SACE matters eg exams, special provisions, stage 1 moderation etc.

For more, see My school details.

Confirm your school contact information using the form we send you early in the year and please email askSACE if there are any changes during the year. This will ensure information is emailed to the correct people in your school.

You can also update principal and SACE coordinator mobile numbers in Schools Online at any time.

Transfer out students who have completed the SACE or left your school

Students who have left your school should be transferred at the beginning of every year. This is not done by the SACE Board.

This allows other schools to transfer students in and cleans up your school data to make searches faster and less cluttered.

  1. Select Students
  2. Group Transfer Out
  3. Select by homegroup or year level
  4. Select students on the left
  5. Transfer Out

Rollover classes, teachers, increment student year levels and manage homegroups

This process should be done at the beginning of every year prior to doing an import.

Once classes and teachers are rolled over they can be edited or deleted if required.

This means you won’t have to spend time creating your classes again and adding teacher accounts.

Student details from the previous year are removed so that current student can be enrolled.

  1. Select School
  2. Rollover
  3. Select the relevant radio button
  4. Important Note: be mindful of the clear all home groups selection, if you would like to keep the same homegroups as the previous year please unselect.
  5. Go
  6. Your selections will appear on the screen for you to confirm

Add new teachers and delete teachers who have left the school.

All teachers should also have a user account which allows them to log into Schools Online and PLATO.

These must be linked so that teachers can view their classes and access online result sheets .You need Principal’s Delegate access to log into this screen.

Teachers who have left the school should also have their user account deleted. You need Principal’s Delegate access to log into this screen.

Keeping your teacher and user accounts up-to-date helps us communicate targeted subject information to subject teachers.

For instructional videos and guides, see Schools online for school leaders

  1. Select Schools
  2. User/Teacher List

Add New User

  1. Select Add New User
  2. Enter their email address and select Check
  3. This will find them if they already have a user account
  4. Provide appropriate access and SAVE.

Add New Teacher

  1. Select Add New Teacher
  2. Enter all information in fields required and select SAVE

Linking User Account and Teacher Account

  1. Select users name on left of the screen
  2. Find their name in the dropdown box next to Teacher: heading, select SAVE.

Create/edit Stage 1 and Stage 2 classes and allocate your teachers

This allows teachers to view and check their classes in Schools Online.

It will also ensure that teachers can access their online result sheets.

For instructional videos and guides, see Schools online for school leaders.

Create SACE class

  1. Enter subject code and search
  2. Enter class details and submit

Edit SACE class

  1. Select the subject to view the class
  2. Edit SACE Class link
  3. Edit the required field SAVE.

Check eligibility of students to enrol in subjects

Language subjects and Modified Subjects have eligibility requirements. It is the school's responsibility to ensure students are eligible.

Information regarding eligibility can be found under Coordinating
the SACE
.  See Information Sheets 4,5,6,17

New students registered for SACE studies – activate Students Online account

For students to be registered for the SACE, they must be entered into Schools Online.

This will enable you to enrol them into their classes.

It also allows the student to log into Students Online, active their account and set their Sharing Preferences.

Students can then use the SACE tracker to track their own SACE progress.

For instructional videos and guides, see Schools online for school leaders.

*Please encourage new SACE students to visit the following information on the SACE website. 
What is Students Online?

To create an individual student

  1. Select create student
  2. Enter required fields and select SAVE

To add students using imports

Importing and Exporting Guide South Australia

Importing and Exporting Guide Northern Territory

Students should be provided with their SACE registration number and default PIN to enable them to log in. This could align with the EIF enrolment process.

Enrol all students in classes

Enrolling students allows your school to track student completion in the SACE and their ATAR (if applicable).

For instructional videos and guides, see Schools online for school leaders.

  1. Select List SACE Classes
  2. Select the class
  3. Select Add students to the class
  4. Enter your selection and view
  5. Select the student(s) you would like to add and Add Students

Identify combined classes for assessment purposes

In a subject that has an examination or performance with fewer than 10 students the SACE Board recommends combining with another class. For all other subjects the teacher can choose to combine.

Where a teacher has more than once class in a particular subject their classes will automatically be combined as one assessment group.

For more, see Assessment groups — Stage 2.

For instructional videos and guides, see Schools online for school leaders.

  1. Select SACE Classes
  2. Select List SACE Classes
  3. Select from list or use search function
  4. Select Edit SACE Class
  5. Update Assessment Group if own school
  6. Update Assessment School and Assessment Group if other school has a different assessment group or more than one group
  7. SAVE

Check student enrolments will meet SACE completion (and/or ATAR)  requirements

It's your responsibility to ensure enrolments for each student meet SACE completion (and/or ATAR) requirements.

For instructional videos and guides, see Schools online for school leaders.

  1. Select Students
  2. Select Student Search (Own School)
  3. Enter registration number only or other details if registration number not known and Search
  4. Select Completion Check or ATAR

Prepare for moderation of Stage 1 Moderation and Modified Subject Review

Stage 1 Moderation/Modified Subjects Review occurs in a triennial cycle. Subjects required for Stage 1 Moderation or Modified Subjects Review are available on the Schools Online home page.

For more, see Stage 1 moderation. Also see Modified Subjects - Review.

We will contact you early in the year and advise which subjects are required from your school.

Anyone with Principal’s Delegate or Schools Online administrator access will be able to review the subjects required for moderation or review on the home page.

If the subject is listed on the home page teachers should check their SACE Class Summary. This will display a banner advising the teacher there is a moderation/revie requirement for their subject as well as the submission due date for samples.

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Key dates and calendars

Check out the SACE operations posters to help communicate dates to staff.

Need help? Try calendar help.

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SACE Management Q&A's

Access answers to some of the more commonly asked questions

When do I transfer out students?

The SACE Board does not transfer out any students on a schools behalf. All students who have completed the SACE or have left your school will remain at your contact school unless they are transferred out.

It’s essential to transfer students out on a regular basis as this provides a more accurate search facility.

You may receive an error message when performing a Rollover if you have not transferred students out and the year level increment has reached 20. This will block you from successfully performing a rollover.

Where do SACE coordinators get training?

In addition to this getting started page we have a new SACE coordinators will be further supported through support provided from our askSACE team.

When and how do I do a rollover?

You should initiate a rollover at the beginning of the year prior to making any changes in Schools Online and before performing an import. Important Note: please be mindful of the ‘clear homegroups’ button as once homegroups are cleared they cannot be reinstated.

Once a rollover has been completed you can edit class information, change teachers, delete classes not required and add students.

How do I maintain the User/Teacher List?

You require Principal’s Delegate access to log in to the User/Teacher List Screen. Check all current teachers at your school have a teacher account and delete any teachers that are no longer at your school. Add a new teacher by selecting 'Add new teacher'.

Check all teachers have a user account, with correct email addresses and they are linked to their teacher account. This will provide them with access to log in and view their classes.

Any email accounts that are incorrect should be deleted and created again. Important Note: this will affect their PLATO log in, they may need to create a new password.

Create new users by selecting 'Add new User' and enter school email address. Select 'Check' button as this checks if the teacher already has a user account. Provide the relevant access and 'SAVE'.

How do I import files from an external source?

Schools can import data including teachers, classes, and students from external sources such as EDSAS, Daymap etc.

You will find instructions on how to import files in the PDFs below.



When is the Term 1 SACE Management conference?

The SACE Board have paused SACE Management Conferences. All pertinent information shared during Management Conferences can be found on this page.

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Systems, procedures, and policies

Schools Online

Schools Online is the SACE Board's system for schools to enter and manage student enrolments, results, and reporting.

Policies, guidelines, and procedures

This collection of documents contains requirements and guidance for the teaching and assessing of SACE subjects.


Forms are used for a variety of administration tasks in the SACE. They are often used with information sheets.

Information sheets

Information sheets cover a range of topics, from student enrolment through to submitting results. They provide detailed instructions for schools, and often include links to key dates.

Topics covered:

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VET and recognised learning

We recognise learning that students have achieved outside of the SACE. Students can be granted SACE credits for appropriate qualifications, subjects, courses, or learning experiences.

Vocational Education and Training (VET)

VET enables students to acquire skills and knowledge for work through a nationally recognised industry-developed training package or accredited course. Students can gain recognition for up to 150 credits for completed VET courses. Exact recognition is dependent on many factors, up to the maximum credits listed on the VET Recognition Register (VRR).

Community learning

Community learning includes community-directed programs or self-directed programs approved by us. Students can count up to 90 credits for community learning.

Other recognised learning

In addition to VET and community learning, we also offer credits for many other courses and learning experiences. This includes university studies, the International Baccalaureate (IB), language courses, exchange programs, and more. 

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Supporting student success

Special provisions

Special provisions supports students who have a disability, or have been affected by misadventure or personal circumstances beyond their control, to participate in the SACE.

Modified Subjects

Modified Subjects exists to meet the learning needs of students with significant impairment in intellectual functioning or adaptive behaviours associated with their disability. It is a highly individualised subject in which curriculum and assessment are designed around development of the SACE capabilities and personal learning goals appropriate for the student.

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Events and professional learning

Many of the professional learning opportunities we provide are aimed at teachers, but there are also workshops and meetings during the year for school leaders.

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Get support

Our askSACE team can help you with any questions you have about the SACE. If they don't know the answer, they'll get you in touch with the people who do.

+61 8 8115 4700
Monday to Friday, 8.30 am - 5 pm

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